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For the most part Idaho is known for potatoes and hunting. It’s not generally a place that most adventurers think of when it comes to stunning views. But after our the Crazee Travels maybe we can help PEAK your interest in visiting this beautiful state too.

Part of the Rocky Mountains, Sawtooth Range is one of the most impressive ranges that often flies under the radar. When visiting it isn’t tough to find yourself taking a break at the edge of a beautiful alpine lake with no one else in sight. From fishing to camping, you will find yourself gazing in awe that you slept on Idaho and the beautiful sights. To think this is just ONE place in Idaho, we are eager to learn more about the other spectacular sights here. Packing our bags right now, the mountains are calling. Have you visited Idaho, if so, where are your favorite spots?

Photo by: @jess.wandering


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